One of Santa’s disgruntled employees gets turned into an evil snowman by a toy machine so Santa must kidnap a little girl to stop himself from killing the Snowman. It’s the 1st 3D Christmas Nightmare!

One of Santa’s disgruntled employees gets turned into an evil snowman by a toy machine so Santa must kidnap a little girl to stop himself from killing the Snowman. It’s the 1st 3D Christmas Nightmare!
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Of course she passed out on her brother’s bed… what’s a crappy Christmas cartoon without incest vibes?
I don’t know if I’m glad or disappointed Christmas Light wasn’t a Noel sequel.
Recently, Stephen Colbert did a bit in which he asks a bunch of elementary school kids to spitball an idea for a Christmas movie from off the tops of their heads, and their script had a more comprehensive plot than this thing.
The budget for this special was probably blown at an ice cream truck. No wonder they folded after getting sued by the WWE (then WWF). Rule of thumb, Mr. K-Tel: don’t screw with Vince McMahon.
Wow, the Christmas-themed sequel to Baldi’s Basics in Education sure looks interesting to say the least.
Fun Fact: This actually got a sequel two years later:
Jesus, the part where they sings songs just standing there wobbling & flailing their arms…..
I did reference the sequel in the video. Also the date there is wrong. It came out in 96.
Yeah, they look like Jon from The Garfield Show, especially little Jane Arbuckle there.
This voice acting is still better than Chaos Wars.
Santa’s fortress looks like it was pulled from an Atari Jaguar game.
The way they texture the hair almost looks like finger dents in clay blobs.
Alternate world: Santa loses, evil space snowman head grows bigger & angrier & tries to destroy Termina, but is defeated by a lone elf.
“This voice acting is still better than Chaos Wars.”
and certainly better than Animax Asia’s English dub of Double Zeta Gundam.
Here’s a link for those who don’t get the joke:
Reminds me of those little 3D animations that YTV would play in their little Short Circuitz bits back in the mid-90s, except those animations were much better, even at a minute or so long. The scenery in this is just so bland and boring. This would have not entertained me as a kid. I mean ReBoot was from this era. Even kids would know what could be done with CG animation at this point. This is just an empty void.
Anybody else think that cave entrance looked rather vaginal in appearance? Is it just me? Also, “You will rue the day you had your way with me”? Ummm….well, as Archer put it, “Phrasing!”. Otherwise I think Santa might have a little explaining to do. No wonder Burton is so bitter.
I do wonder how Simitar thought they could get away with that wrestling theme album. I had a feeling it was going to involve a lawsuit even before you said that’s what happened.
The CGI and music in this movie and its sequel remind me of a Nintendo 64 game……….and even that would be an insult to the Nintendo 64………and I know that the N64 came out a year after this (and the same year as the sequel) but…………
Hey, at least they still both manage to have better CGI than Wolf Tracer Studios’ two animated “films” (Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa and Dinosaur Island which by the way, both came out almost a decade after them) though.
Oh, and I’m surprised that you didn’t sneak a reference to a certain scene from Devil May Cry somewhere in this review…….