It’s raining Rain and he’s ready to have a confused plot that involves pop rock demons, Motaro (with his people), and some weird multi-head creature.

It’s raining Rain and he’s ready to have a confused plot that involves pop rock demons, Motaro (with his people), and some weird multi-head creature.
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Aside from your joke, I still don’t see the meaning of the title “Skin Deep” and the plot of this episode ?
Anyways thanks for the new MK DotR episode !
Best guess is that it’s saying that’s all Rain and Kitana’s past relationship was. But there’s no focus on that, it’s just a bad title.
Geez, Liu Kang sure is the clingy type. “Please say you like me best, Kitana-senpai!”
Everything that people say is stupid about 80s action/toy cartoons is here but so much worse…
The animation is worse, the dialogue…is actually even worse, the villains pose little threat or menace, they still cling to outdated tropes like Kitana being the damsel in distress when she’s supposed to be a badass ninja, the plots feel rushed and disconnected, and the source material isn’t fully utilized.
I’m glad I was a little too old for this when it came out, this really is low quality and low effort all around.
I would love if Phelous reviewed the somewhat obscure Double Dragon cartoon that came out around the same time as this. I vaguely remember seeing that one and thinking it had very little to do with the NES and arcade games I grew up on. it would be nice to contrast that with MK DotR and see which one is actually worse… Do it Phelous, please?
I believe we should also add the infamous Street Fighter animated series that Phelous talked briefly about in the first episode as part of the “Extreme Action Team”.
M. Bison says yes.
Yeah, I was a huge fan of Street Fighter 2 in the arcades and on SNES.
I paid good money to see the laughable Van Damme SF movie in theaters, but was mercifully spared the animated series and didn’t even know it existed until recently.
Of the movies: Mortal Kombat was the best of the three hands down with Street Fighter just slightly edging out the zero shits given Double Dragon movie.
A compare and contrast video between the three fighting franchise cartoons would be great, scoring categories could be as follows:
1) Use and representation of the source material – or lack thereof
2) Overall animation and production quality – or lack thereof
3) Writing and plot – or lack thereof
Man, what a brilliant arc once again for all involved. Rain’s a dick and evil for no real reason other than money, Lou Kang is a dick and a weenie, Kitana is… well, boring and that’s about it. We’ve got three villainous factions who seemingly have nothing to do with each other all getting defeated in seconds, and Motaru’s People treated like utter jokes. Just wow….
But hey, at least Rain got more than “nnnhh… Kitana!” and then disappearing. That’s something, I guess. And heck, he didn’t have to just blurt out “BY ALL THE POWERS OF EEEEEEVIL!!” like Scorpion, so maybe we should count our blessings he’s not that blatant.
Though am I the only one getting Konquest Kung Lau flash backs with “Gee it sure sucks being ageless!” and then not doing anything more with it? I sure hope Lou Kang runs into some sorceress who doesn’t know how to put on more clothes than lingerie who also happens to be ageless to tell him he should lose the next Mortal Kombat. That’d surely result in an amaaazing story arc!
Hey WAIT a minute! How the hell does JAX know Mortal Kombat winners are ageless when Lou Kang doesn’t?! Lou Kang, according to the canon established by the movies this is supposedly following, is a direct descendant of The Great Kung Lau, who was also an ageless Mortal Kombat winner, and he’d been training his WHOLE LIFE to become a Mortal Kombat champion for Earth. How the hell did he never hear of this until how, and who told Jax about this?? Jax is a cop who isn’t even supposed to really be here, never heard of Mortal Kombat until he basically stumbled into one, and only came here to rescue his partner. If there’s anyone who should know this crap, it’s Lou! Or, what, did he skip that particular day of orientation?
Jax is a special forces officer, not a cop. You may be confusing Jax with Curtis Stryker, which incidentally was Jax’s original name.
Also, it’s “Liu Kang” and “Kung Lao”, not to be anal.
This wasn’t a great story line for Rain, but considering that Rain was a character that was created as a joke on a Prince song title (he wears purple and his name is Rain! Get it?), I wasn’t expecting much from the get-go.
Right, I wasn’t sure about that in the movie, since the raid on the night club looked more like a police/interpol type thing rather than a military operation. I knew he was a military guy in the games, just the movie switched a few things and it seemed that was one of the changes made.
Ah yeah, I don’t see their names spelled often so got a couple letters mixed up. Should’ve checked, really. Shame there’s no “edit” option on these comments.
AND WOAH–sorry for three comments in a row here but I keep noticing more things. They just showed a bad guy we’ve never met in this show get murdered by the good guy with no context, then showed his skin and muscle disintegrate into dust leaving behind a freaking skeleton! How is THAT allowed, yet showing OTHER people die on-screen is NOT okay?! Like, we’ve had villains on this show turn up and not been allowed to kill them, so we can only have people be seen to die if we don’t know who they are first? Or, if they’re already dead before the show’s story started, then it’s alright for their death to be shown in detail? This makes no sense! We just got on-screen, and pretty horrific, death The Last Crusade style, how were the execs okay with that but didn’t allow other fatalities, and any other deaths on the show had to be off-screen and implied?!
I saw our boi in the corner during the waterfall part.
“I myself have lived 10,000 years.” Man, & I thought Dax was old.
The cave is a nose with skull mustache. But why?
I think I remember why I forgot this series.
Wow, way to make your Mortal Kombat hero look petty as all hell, Defenders of the Realm. Jealous boyfriend, much? Actually, that I’m not even sure if the two of them are together. It’s not really that clear. Liu Kang sounds like he’s becoming one of those #niceguys.
Although, I’m not familiar with the centaur people and how powerful they are, this show still did a good job with making them look pitiful. A couple of them look like they accidentally fell over the side of the tower. Everything in this episode just feels so convoluted and barely stitched together. No wonder you lambaste this series so much.