Batman V Superman but this time they are Road Stars! They gotta battle it out on 4 Wheelers! Which you usually don’t take out on the road…

Batman V Superman but this time they are Road Stars! They gotta battle it out on 4 Wheelers! Which you usually don’t take out on the road…
11 Comments Comments RSS
Hey now you’re a Road Star
The moment you pronounced Road Star like that I immediately thought a Spaceballs joke was coming.
Mmmmm Spaceballs… is there anything you can’t make better with Spaceballs references?
Oh dear, at the 6:00 mark I mistook Batman’s hand for…something else. Thought I’d stumbled onto another Cinema Snob porn parody review for a moment.
::Checks:: lol. Would have been twice as funny if his hand had been upright.
Batman looks morbidly embarrassed & annoyed, like he just shit his pants, & Superman looks lost in thought, like he’s trying to remember if he forgot to pack something for a trip.
I feel like if I touched them, the paint would chip off.
Why does that “Best Racing” Logo look so familiar?
The way you say “four wheelers” sounds really weird to my ear. The emphasis is wrong.
I thought for sure that Bathero would have shown up to try and swipe one of the ATV’s.
Superman looks like Mr. Fantastic if he were a zombie… and melting.
I like how the Batman 4 wheeler is the same model as Superman’s, yet they crudely modified it by ham fistedly cutting off the headlights and front mudguards to make it look different.