Sonic jumps over to the Super Nintendo to save his best buddy Mario! Sonic might not have blast processing here but he still seems rather SPEEDY.

Sonic jumps over to the Super Nintendo to save his best buddy Mario! Sonic might not have blast processing here but he still seems rather SPEEDY.
10 Comments Comments RSS
Still a better Sonic 4 than the official one by Sega.
Ok, that reads way more serious than I intended. I just really dislike that game. I feel I’ll love Sonic Mania, though.
Is it just me, or does this game feel like a Sonic.Exe hack? X_x Red sky, miscolored Sonic, etc…
Oh dude, I remember playing this on an emulator… I didn’t know why this existed. But now I know, it’s just a Speedy Gonzales game with Sonic and Mario slapped around it.
Sonic loves Nintendo 7/10
I guess the Peruvian pirates who made this game based it on somebody’s weird yaoi fanfiction. 😀
And the Sonic.exe series? X_x
No, if you don’t count the red background of the first stage.
Fun Fact: This SNES Speedy Gonzales hack was made in Peru.
Speaking of infamous unlicensed SNES games, Phelous should review Hong Kong 97.