A telling of Beauty and the Beast so painful that you’d think it came from Dingo Pictures but, NOPE! It’s a British production by Bevanfield Pictures who somehow managed to get some real actors like Christopher Lee! (This is also where the ugly guy came from.)

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Wow this movie messed up it’s story telling. It tried to do good by having the rose’s represent Beast’s life and I thought they were going to have Christopher Lee and the Rodent man destroy his flowers and that will kill him. It would make way more sense than what they went with. I’m guessing they got lazy (lazier) with the writing at the end and just ended it as soon as possible.
I now notice that there’s a new “Bevanfield” tag for videos. I fear for the future.
Every facial expression in this looks like a screenshot from a youtube animated DBZ parody. Impressive…?
They have also made their own version of Aladdin! At least that version kept the original race of the characters:
I looked at the genie and thought that Kazaam 2 had come out and turned out to be an animated musical
I love how sometimes the characters have three fingers and sometimes four. It’s really hard to remember how many fingers humans have.
That’s because their family is so inbred. It also explains why they all look so hideous and are such idiots.
Of course! It all make sense now! This is the starting point for the super powered inbreds from the Wrong Turn movies!
“The Old Palace Has Eyes!”
No, they just keep having to pawn one finger to the Yakuza and buy it back to make ends meet.
I like to think there was some sort of torrid romance between the animators that went sour, so they stopped speaking to one another and were never able to get their character designs consistent as a result.
This review was uploaded at the best time, with Disney’s live-action version out right now. As for this version, not only does it look boring, but that clock… why…?!?
The Beast in this version looks like that one old African American vampire from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
I was wondering what this reminded me of, and I just realized: the Philips CD-i Zelda games! For instance, that repeated animation where M. Renard leans forward at the camera looks like it could have come straight out of one of them.
1:25 Oooh…Do I smell a best/worst episodes of Darkwing Duck in our future?
Hmmm….Guess no one told them that the 17th century is the 1600s & not the 17oos….Or that the human hand has 5 fingers & not 4.
All this pausing & they couldn’t even get William Shatner.
Love that Jumpman/Ghostbusters hybrid shirt.
Ah, so many old meta-baguettes we haven’t croissants in ages. How we’ve missed you.
This animation is starting to remind me of the shitty cartoon segments of the Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego gameshow.
11:05 Don’t tell me that’s perspective. I know crab claws when I see em.
“Bootleg French Zorro.” I was thinking the Hamburgler lost weight.
So Mrs. Clause worked for the Beast on off-seasons.
Bounds like Beast literally phoned his lines in.
Another one of those B&tB where the prince is uglier than the Beast.
Damn you spell/grammar checker, you have let me down again.
28:01 Top 10 Most Brutal Anime Deaths
28:25 I didn’t know that synthpop existed in the 1700’s.
35:23 What’s with well-animated but still terrible animated films and magical tears?
Anyways, I’ve just found a mockbuster company that manages to be worse than Dingo Pictures. Dingo Pictures movies might be lazy but at least they weren’t as painful to watch as this but this is still miles better than garbage like The Christmas Tree, Bolivar el Heroe, Dorbees – Making Decisions, G-Saviour, and (of course, the worst movie I’ve ever seen) Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa.
Also, what was the budget for this thing? I guess they wasted 98% of the money to pay the All Star Cast then used the other 2% for the rest of the production jargon.
This must have been a sit. Sorry, Phelous. I thank you for your sacrifice.
Some characters/scenese only have 4 fingers just so they can animate them with less. Not even Dingo I think did that.
*3 ops
On behalf of the UK, to all non-uk people, I apolosige.
As to Bevenfield, I will for once, bypass my own usual profanity filter:
What the fuck?!
What the actual FUCK?!
Christopher Lee?
Michael Horden?
Peneolope Keith?
These people are all good actors! National treasures, even! (And Kelly Bright, while not on the same level, isn’t exactly bad, either (though I remember her from the comedy the Upper Hand, as I don’t Soaps).)
Aside from Chrispher Lee, obviously, Michael Horden I remember most fondly as Gandalf in the BBC radio production of Lord of the Rings! Yes, you literally have Saruman and Gandalf voicing this this – how do you fuck that up?
I mean, the surprise is not Christopher Lee is in this – he’s in fracking everything; even as a child, when he showed up as the villain in the Tomorrow People on children’s telly, I was like “unholy fracking crap, CHRISTOPHER LEE?!” Nor really, Micheal Horden, since my first expsoure to him was in the Slipper and the Rose (a live-action adapotion of Cinderella) that my sisters watched to death, but that you can manage to create a legitimately bad performance out of them – even when Christopher Lee, bless his cotton socks, approaches this with the same professionalism he does everything, and actually attempting to give a shit – by fucking up the audio deliberately because you can’t animate?
I. Do. Not.
I actually found this was a hard sit, actually, just because of the voice-acting, because I know how badly mangled this was.
This movie seemed weirdly more concerned about the Du Bois family’s problems, treating the story of Beauty and the Beast as essentially a subplot. As for Renard marrying Beauty, marrying cousins and/or cousins’ children wasn’t that uncommon in European aristocracy at the time the story is set. Assuming Renard was being forthcoming, and wasn’t actually behind the recent misfortune befalling his cousin, him marrying his cousin’s daughter would’ve actually been beneficial to her father and sisters. Marrying for money, titles, property, security, etc. was far more common than marrying for love, or even lust, back then.
The thing is, since Renard is the one having Du Bois robbed, he doesn’t stand to gain anything from the marriage. He already has his cousin’s money from the robbery, and sole ownership of the family business as a result of Du Bois’ financial hardship (they never seem to come right out and say it but I think he is supposed to have bought Du Bois out). All he has to do is offer his cousin a position back at the business to seem generous and allay suspicions, which he does, but he also stupidly makes marriage to Beauty a stipulation of his cousin’s employment. It’s entirely one-sided; only his cousin and his cousin’s daughters would benefit, as they’d be entitled to X amount of Renard’s fortune (ironically formerly their own) by marriage (unless he screwed them using some kind of pre-nup).
It’s wanting to marry Beauty and trying to have Du Bois robbed a second time so he could have the brooch that ruins what was otherwise a perfectly good plan. That, and despite insisting that the brooch is worthless to him until Du Bois is dead, he’s dumb enough to bring what appears to be Du Bois’ pocketwatch WITH DU BOIS’ INITIALS ENGRAVED ON IT with him him TO DU BOIS’ HOUSE.
If Dingo Pictures is the LJN of animated movies, then would Bevanfield Films be the animated movie equivalent to Tiger Electronics (the company that brought us tons of terrible LCD games)?
oh god how many knockoffs ARE THERE? >_<
And the cousin is a creeper! EW!