Jeremy and I give our thoughts on on the follow up to that movie that barely starred the turtles. This one might fare a bit better but still has a lot of issues.

Jeremy and I give our thoughts on on the follow up to that movie that barely starred the turtles. This one might fare a bit better but still has a lot of issues.
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In truth my daughters and I love The Next Mutation… my eldest covets her Venus figure 😀
I’m with you, Next Mutation isn’t a high art show but it has different elements that are fun, and I really like Venus, too. It’s just a fun stop on the road along the way in TMNT fandom, I can’t possibly hate it. This new movie was also a lot of fun, and has similar problems to anything that people can gripe about with NM. Cheers 🙂
I suppose people’s main problems with Next Mutation is three-fold.
1: Venus was introduced and immediately and easily defeated Shredder, only to be the comic relief failure for the rest of the show.
2: They broke with traditional mythology of the show and outright said that the Turtles aren’t brothers (only so they could have a potential relationship between one of them and Venus without it being creepy… though it usually ended up being creepy anyway)
3: It had two clip shows. For 26 episodes, two clip shows. Seriously, that’s awful…
Aside from those elements, I think the show was ‘okay’Â too overall. Pretty decent action, the costumes weren’t too bad, the voices were fairly fine, and it had some entertaining episodes. I’m glad it wasn’t any longer than the single season run, but for what it was, it wasn’t the worst.
The obnoxious tone is the worst thing about the show. It having to play sound effects all the time or just having characters spew bull shit just so noise is happening, that is WAY worse than anything Venus does. She is FAR from the worst thing about that show and eventually I’ll force myself to watch it again and talk about it.
You’re a good man, Phelous, fair fanboy to the end. The same for your TMNT movie reviews, nobody can accuse you of refusing to take off the nostalgia goggles and point out the positives. I’m gad this second TMNT Bayfilm was an improvement over the first, but I can’t forgive them for not letting Shredder throw a punch. Other than that, pretty fun flick.
The Costumes and the acting on that show was awful. I think Venus had potential (even though one of the co-creators of TMNT hated her w/ a passion), but again the show was just so horribly made. If she was actually on a show w/ some degree of competence and/or where the higher ups actually cared, she probably would’ve been better made.
Hang on a minute;
-Constant sound effects
-Annoying dialogue
-Characters spewing bullshit just so there’s noise
-Obnoxious tone…
…Â these are all things that can be put against most of the ’87 cartoon too.
If you really think they are the same in that respect actually watch the 2 shows back to back.
“It has moments of ‘this is good’ and moments of ‘why am I watching this?'”
“Fun to watch if you switch your brain off”
Funny, that’s kinda how I feel about the 80’s show. Most of it’s “why am I watching this?” with occasional moments of “Well that was fun.”
When a person says the beat part of a film is Tyler Perry, you should be afraid. Very VERY afraid!
Well, at least this movie sounds like it was better than that TMNT porno Brad reviewed earlier this week. Truly, we can all be proud of the Bay Team for that accomplishment.
Great review Phelous, I’ve read around that it’s an improvement but still not a good movie. I doubt that I’ll see it until it comes out on DVD and I can get a copy of it, glad that you could take the bullet for all of us. You definitely need to see Gone Girl if you think that this is the best movie that Tyler Perry is in Phelous, and shockingly David Fincher actually got a great performance out of him in that film.
It would be awesome to see you review the original live action films, especially the first one. I just watched it again, and it really holds up.
I recently rewatched the first 2 back to back and enjoyed them immensely, I think a Phelous video on them about the production history, the characters, tones, etc… would be pretty sweet.
Eventually, yes, I do want to talk about the original films.
This is by far the best review for Out of the Shadows I’ve seen so far, and I’ve been watching far and wide. I watched this days ago and I’m still quoting, “No one will know who you are, not even at Cheers.” Best line since “You Stink! You Stink! You Stink!” from the Killdozer review!
Alas, the young bucks won’t get it though as it’s an 80’s joke. :-/