Dingo Pictures’s take on The Hunchback of Notre Dame stays more true to the book than a lot of it’s animated adaptations… that said it’s still Dingo Pictures.

Dingo Pictures’s take on The Hunchback of Notre Dame stays more true to the book than a lot of it’s animated adaptations… that said it’s still Dingo Pictures.
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… and thus the epic Hunchback Review Trilogy was completed! x D
Technically, there are two more animated Hunchback of Notre Dame movies, not counting the Disney one
And one of those two is by Good Times
Another quality piece from Dingo pictures…
Also I thought that phone intereference was coming from my side there until you pointed it out XD
Same here, after so many years using those phones and getting the noise on the radios I normally asume it’s on my side by default. As if animation, cuts, backgrounds, voices and plot weren’t enough for Dingo…
I don’t know why, but every time I hear the Puma Man theme, I have to laugh out loud.
It’s just so relentlessly cheerful and upbeat!
That guy with the t-shirt is Dingo’s attempt at being funny.
He clearly looks like a typical carricature of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. I immediately recognized him,
as most Germans probably would. And on his shirt it says “Hannelore”, the name of Kohl’s wife at the time.
Oh Dingo Pictures… you… shouldn’t have.
Oh Dingo Pictures, you always cease to amaze me.
Why does Quasimodo look like Link? And sound like The Elephant Man? Also, apparently Mortal Kombat 2 existed back then because Quasimodo killed Frollo with the Pit 2 stage fatality.
I don’t see the similarities between Quasimodo and Link.
I em sure you probably already know, but there is also a Goodtimes version
I think he already reviewed it.
Oh, you meant the Jetlag version.
Maybe they meant Abbot and just tried to pronounce it the “French way” with a silent t. Granted I really don’t know anything about any type of church hierarchy.
Proof that accurate isn’t always better.
I like the accessibility of these Dingo Pictures movies. They’re all on YouTube if you really enjoy so-bad-its-good stuff and riffing on your own.
However, I do not recommend these movies for the suicidally depressed. It’s the cinematic equivalent of standing on the edge of a cliff while a crowd of three German voice actors shout at you, “Do it! Do it! Dooooo iiiiiiit!” for an hour.
My God. This was actually my introduction to Dingo Pictures’ line of work.
Give this a tiny bit of credit above Golden Films, as they at least made the hunchback ugly. Literally, perhaps the ugliest hunchback you will ever see.
In fact, these renderings of humans are so off, perhaps the people who inflict these Dingo films upon us…AREN’T REAL “PEOPLE” AT ALL? [dramatic chord]
I knew this was gonna happen: it was just a matter of time. Maybe they made it when they saw your last review.
Opening: it was an artform
0:36 that was…strangly nice; thanks đ
1:52 excellent! Your reactions in this review were great đ 20:17 as well
Claude Frollo: the first internet troll in history đ
I knew this would be dark…not the darkest (Mondo *cough* *cough*)
This is the fourth Dingo film, am I right? I’m now starting to pick up the same actors and character design. The art….my god…
At least you can say one thing this movie does distinctly: it takes the position of those who hate Quasimodo and the Gypsies
This was hilarious…and I loved your attention to detail. Great review: by the way, have you ever read the book? Just curious, not cirtisisum
Was Mondo the one w/ the “wtf” ending w/ the goat? X_x
The very same đ
Yeah, Phelous needs to do that one. He’ll flip so bad. :-0
Mondo TV? Weren’t they the same guys who made 2 of the 3 animated Titanic movies, Angel’s Friends (a rip-off of Winx Club where they’re angels instead of fairies), Puppy in my Pocket: Adventures in Pocketville, and lots of other cash-ins to popular properties?
But nothing is as a balant knock-off as Astro Plan or any of those 70’s-80’s South Korean mecha anime/manwha movies. Anyways, Phelous should review one of those.
They made some Titanic knock offs but I’m sure about the rest (they did the angel thing)…I’d have to check: they did make a Pocahontas TV series where she met Aztecs and fought Spider Woman and Mulan where she gets saved by a giant eagle and (now Phelous HAS to review this)Â her side kick is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
I’m not kidding. I think they also did a sleepy snow queen adaptation but I can’t find it
Not familier with the astro boy knock offs but they sound strange…almost as strange as these
I think there’s a South Korean knock-off of Astro Boy but I might be wrong.
Astro Plan (AKA. Space Adventures) has nothing to do with Astro Boy instead it’s a Gundam/Robotech rip-off that aired on Chinese television back in 2010. The first 4 and the final episode are on YouTube if you want to see the guilty pleasure that it is. The character designs are a cross between that Flash-animated Speed Racer show on Nicktoons from a few years back and Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and the mechs are knock-offs of the Veritechs from the Macross saga of Robotech. Just look at those “ORIGNAL” designs!
Also, those 70’s-80’s South Korean mecha anime rip-offs include “classics” such as Robot Taekwon V, Space Gundam V, Gold Wing, Diatron-5, Iron Man 007, Defenders of Space (AKA. Pheonix King), and Captain of Cosmos (AKA. Space Black Knight). Well, the last one doesn’t have mechs but you still get the basic gist of it. Those were made because the dictatorship of the time prevented almost any Japanese anime from being imported there so they made their own anime by reusing cels and backgrounds that the animation studios used to make the real anime (they still did animation for the actual Japanese shows sometimes).
Better Pictures of Astro Plan
And is it just me or does Phelous have Our Friend Power 5 (another Korean knock-off movie) in the background? That movie is TMNT crossed with Machine Robo/the GoBots and the Ninja Turtles are aliens in that one. What’s with South Korea and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Wabu: the next Old Man
I call for them to brawl over…whatever position The Old Man has
All in favor?
Maybe. I just want another Old Man Reads Creepypastas.
Wa[majin]buu is such a jerk, though… Having him read creepypastas could work, once Phelan has reviewed another movie with Wa[majin]buu in it.
Wait! Majin Wabuu is a much better joke name. (DBZ reference)
Great…even though my knowledge of DBZ is ‘spiky haired guy fights other people with cards’. Same as Pokemon expect it’s balls not cards
Pokemon is about monsters fighting each other to the death that are captured in balls that have TARDIS-esque technology. It’s nothing like DBZ except they’re both popular 90’s anime, have like tons of video games, have a TCG, and have something to do with balls.
You’ve just made the world make a little more sense…can you explain Dragonball that simply? I understand Pokemon better then Dragonball
Dragon Ball Z is where people charge up and beat each other up just to collect 7 magical balls.
Now the rest of the world makes sense…knowing this, all the random little boys with weird growth habits, the green people and the various dimentions will all fall into place soon enough
thanks đ
You’re welcome. Basically, DBZ is like Keeping Up with the Kardashians (some terrible reality TV show about some rich family fighting and arguing with each other) but with them charging up, shooting ki blasts, collecting 7 magical balls, and just better overall.
I know the premise of Keeping Up With the Kardashians…how sad is it to be more familier with the Kardashians then DBZ
I’m now sad đ
Where does Yugio fit into this?
Though DBZ sounds much better: everything’s better with kicking and lazers
Yu-Gi-Oh is where people solve all their problems by playing a children’s card game that was apparently invented by the ancient Egyptians. Also, there’s 4 spin-offs somehow (one where they are at some duel academy [GX], one where they’re on motorcycles [5Ds], one with someone with a scouter [Zexal], and one where they introduce “Pendulum Summoning” [ARC or whatever it’s called]) and I’ve only seen 2 of the spin-offs [GX and 5Ds] to be honest. It’s pretty good from what I remember of it but it’s not as good as Gundam (where armies in space always hire mentally-unstable teenagers to pilot giant robots and use them to fight to the death in some kind of war [except for G Gundam, Gundam Build Fighters, Gundam Build Fighters Try, and Gunpla Builders Beginning G where they just use giant robots/model kits to fight each other by using flashy special moves in some kind of tournament]). If you want to watch Gundam for the first time, I recommend you watch SEED/SEED Destiny or OO first before you get the hang of it.
Seriously, almost every drama/soap opera out there is like DBZ but more boring and less action.
Wow, this is crazy stuff…cool! Thanks fro breaking it down. The giant robots are thing for the Japanese aren’t they, with Power Rangers and Mobile Gundam
Definetly want to give these shows a watch: I know of Gundam from Team 4 Star’s Linkara crossover and this makes much more sense then the other three shows
really on a Hunchback kick, huh? đ
Well, this movie sucked in all the ways IÂ expected. I can’t even believe these people had the balls to release it. The crayon backgrounds, the… y’know, I refuse to call it animation. That abomination is just pure awfulness, the rawest form of crap.
Once again, Phelous, thank you for your endurance. Just watching clips was brutal.
P.S. Wabuu vs Old Man please!
Wabuu vs Old Man: Whoever wins, we’re all completely useless (heh heh heh)
Phelous! You is the pope of shitty Disney knock offs!
This video is amazing. I know the material probably wrote itself with this one, but wow thanks for making me laugh all the way through. The number of awesomely WTF moments is off the charts. With animal characters, you could excuse some of the weirdness.
Thankfully seductive splaying duck survived the knife thrower, but Col. Pimpders may have to roast her over a Christian baby fire!
I haven’t watched Phelous in a while… I was at work the other day and the phrase, “Pareees Heeelton eees dead? my God– I can smile!” popped into my head.
Always great to come to this site and enjoy stellar content.
Oh jeez, the Beret guy in this film has the same voice as Dundee The Crocodile! :-0
I am just amazed… I have never seen such horrible animation and voice acting, and THAT is saying something.
Those nuns are seriously awful people…
Though keep in mind that they were probably forced into the order even if they weren’t cut out for it, given the time period (the story begins in 1482). Yeah, it’s not a good time for anyone, really.
Quasimodo, you should be interested in the -belles-, not the bells–I’ll see myself out.
Well they hate him. It’s not going to go well. :-/
Appropriate for a Victor Hugo-inspired work.
For those wondering what the medieval beatnik is saying (with its mixture of french accent) :
Citizens of Paris. (the ‘S’ is silent in french)
Come ye all here!
Come ye all heeere!
Look for the pope of fools. (I keep hearing Zeus but that doesn’t make any sense so…)
Let’s show him to the people of Paris, up to Place PrĂ©vert.
Really not sure about “PrĂ©vert” since Jacques PrĂ©vert is a famous french poet of the XX century so it would be an anachronism (also there is no Place PrĂ©vert in Paris). Then again, as other pointed out with the caricature of Helmut Kohl, Dingo is not above such things…
Place Prevert? Is that a sexual innuendo I missed?
Well only when you speak it with an english intonation, not so much with a french one đ
Even here, Quasimodo isn’t that ugly. He isn’t handsome, but he also isn’t any more grotesque than any of the supposedly normal-looking people in this. If he combed his hair and got rid of the zits he’d just be kind of plain and ordinary-looking.
Damn, I’m REALLY late to the show this time.
Now who dropped baby Freddy Kreuger off at the nunnery?
Never knew Frollo had evil henchnuns.
Between Pierre & Esmerelda, Pierre is definitely the prettier one.
Lol, I thought I was getting a call. The cellphone interferes with my speakers.
It keeps panning back & forth between Medieval & Victorian fashions. One minute you see bustles & parasols, the next, sleeveless bastardizations of cotehardies &Â houppelandes. But Pierre’s fashion is closer to the Renaissance peasant clothing. & in none of these tme perids was it okay for a woman’s legs to be uncovered.
This was hands down the funniest adaptation. ::headbopshake::
Does anyone know of any so-bad-it’s-funny animated versions of Phantom of the Opera?
There are animated adaptations of POTO? Well, there’s that Arthur episode (Francine’s Pilfered Paper/P is for Plagiarism) where they parody it with the author of the article that Francine stole from but I’m still so surprised that there’s maybe animated versions of the Phantom of the Opera!
That head-bobing guy is from the Dingo Pictures version of Aladdin.
I wonder when there will be an Aladdin marathon, seeing two versions (one and one sort of) got covered previously. That one and one I remember called Alladin (sic) are going to be quite the highlights in that case.
You spelled Aladdin the same way that Joel from Vinesauce pronounces it. Also, did you meant the Goodtimes version that LewToons reviewed?
29:16 “This is Sparta!”
Anyways, why does Frollo look like a woman in this?
I can’t wait to see Dingo do Frozen, let us see how they will fuck it up.
Heaven help us when they try to do Zootopia.
It’ll probably be under something generic like “Animal Cops” or something.
I was thinking it was Dingo Pictures that shut down, but that was Video Brinquedo, another thing Phelan might hopefully do someday in the far future when he runs out of Golden Films, Dingo Pictures, & Good Times stuff.
Apparently, you can actually PAY DINGO PICTURES MONEY to dub your film into other languages. Sweet baby jebus, I’d love them to do a few episodes of Yugioh Abridged.
Someone call TFS! They found comedy gold here!
Is it just me or does Dingo Pictures kind of remind me of that one episode of iCarly where they parodied Disney with the name?
This is hands down the funniest thing Dingo Pictures has ever made.
The Handsome of Notre Dame, not to be confused with the 2004 Phantom of the Handsome.
At least this version isn’t directed by Joel Shumacher. XD