A classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knock off that changed things up quite a bit. Now you get a Ninja Pirate Frog on a Green Horse!?

A classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knock off that changed things up quite a bit. Now you get a Ninja Pirate Frog on a Green Horse!?
26 Comments Comments RSS
Trunks look rather leafy, like he’s wearing ones borrowed from the Jolly Green Giant. The nunchuks look more like a Shakeweight when they’re held.
Odd because the Shake Weight I have was made in Taiwan (the same country that this toy was made).
Didn’t TMNT have Shredder create four frog villains that were promptly turned to heroes, the Punk Frogs? Would this be a bootleg of those characters? Or failing that, Battletoads maybe? It seems weird calling this a turtle bootleg when there are actual frogs/toads to rip-off.
It’s a TMNT Knock off because that’s primarily what it’s capitalizing on. They were just a little more creative than some of the others/played it a bit safer.
Wait you actually were referencing my comment? I feel special! Though maybe you were making fun of it. Eh, I’m ok with that? Good episode. I do wonder why the frog is given a macho man voice, but it surprisingly fits.
Why did I put a ? at the end of “eh, I’m ok with that”? It’s complete nonsense.
*Shrugz @ both posts.* Beats me…
You can’t find any information on “DA”? When I googled “DA” I found out that DA is now known as DeviantArt, and no longer makes toys. ~The more you know!~
Also, DA apparently did some work as defense attorneys for a while. 😉
The human-looking eyes on the horse are rather creepy.
This guy looks like he has seen some shit in his day…
That line made me bust up 😀
The holes are there to cool the electric motor. They are still a little small for a motor needing 4 AA’s.
These would have sold much better if they advertised ‘horse melting motor action’.
Very nice video.
That pirate ninja frog rider is pretty cool, and that horse freakin’ moves. Most toys from that era don’t move so fast.
I was a little surprised that bat hero was killed off, but then realized death is like on Aqua Teen for these skits, it doesn’t stick.
I’m not sure if you’ve seen ‘Jupiter Power’ figures (who the hell rips off Biker Mice From Mars?) but those look like a fun addition to the bootleg zone if you can find them cheaper than Ebay. They’re expensive AF. Jupiter Power on Ebay
I have those ones, they are part of the Galaxy hole.
Not a bootleg technically…but have you ever heard of “The Other World” toys from Arco?
While the toys themselves aren’t particularly amazing (Imagine He-Man with weirder monsters in bendy-toy form), they have that 80’s high fantasy/He Man feel, with lots of awesome retro artwork.
Yeah, I’ve seen them around, don’t have any of them though.
This one made smile from ear to ear at it’s absurdity.
Now, those I do have a few of. They are part of the Galaxy Hole.
Bat Hero will be sorely missed.
I wonder if he’ll have to go on a long adventure to get out of the Dream World? Nah, I’m sure he’ll just go home.
On a different note, have you ever come across any of the “STAR SOLDIER” Bionicle knockoffs? They’ve gotten quite expansive. I’ve seen loads of them, knocking off various different sets, but seemingly only a few years after the originals came out.
The most interesting would have to be the Rahaga with the Darth Vader heads though.
Feddy will just keep sending Bat-Hero back on obvious suicide missions, for his own amusement – like Satan and Yosemite Sam in that Looney Tunes movie.
I’d pay to see someone animate the ending segments
My favorite TMNT copycat shows were SWAT Kats (which deserves WAY more than 2 seasons), Biker Mice from Mars, & Gargoyles.
Looks more like a Battletoads knockoff. But in the end, even that was TMNT inspired.
Today toads, tomorrow kappas.
The dumblell/baon thing could also be a Shake Weight.
Batman always comes back from the dead, even in bootleg form.
I loved how meta the ending skit was. Bat-Hero’s torturous existence will always be funny and other people need to shut the fuck up. A little disappointed we didn’t get a sepia tone montage of Bat-Hero’s various antics from the show set to “I Will Remember You”. Missed opportunity.
Heaven forbid ppl. have a different opinion than you. But then again, if they don’t agree w/ you they should just stfu, right?
Frogs on horses seem strange? Phelous, you don’t read Usagi Yojimbo enough. and this is a massive crime. I will see you pay for this dearly. *Slinks away into bushes and disappeares*