Johnny Cage faces off against Baraka, while Liu Kang has his first match in the tournament against Mileena and Sub-Zero finally has a showdown VS Scorpion.

Johnny Cage faces off against Baraka, while Liu Kang has his first match in the tournament against Mileena and Sub-Zero finally has a showdown VS Scorpion.
4 Comments Comments RSS
hey phelous have ever think about doing a complete relaunch of the series maybe a mortal komedy legacy
It seems highly unlikely, sorry.
My mind is stilled boggled to this day how this all came to be
hey Phelous! the new trailer for Kombat Pack 2 arrived today. sorry that it wont include Siro (The Greatest Mortal Kombat Kharacter!!!) again, but it will include the following: Bo Rai Cho, Leatherface, The Alien, & Tri-Borg (Cyrax/Sektor/& Cyber Smoke combined which I assume each variation will be a separate character to save space). here’s a link to the trailer: