• ArcaneFinale
    Comments: 11

    When did you guys stop liking Supernatural, overall? If you mentioned it in an earlier podcast, sorry for missing it, or not remembering.

  • Robanah
    Comments: 10

    So when you were joking around about Crowley saying  “You’re grounded” did you watch next week’s preview???  Cuz…. yeah… he actually says it in the next episode lol Anyway, thanks for doing your podcast 🙂 I have nowhere else to go when it comes to pointing out all the stupidity of the recent seasons of SPN… The one I did read was a blog, and he threw his hand in the air and basically said “This show is getting too dumb, I can’t even write about how dumb it is anymore!”

  • Ergo-ogre
    Old Man
    Comments: 1

    Just wanted to chime in and say I really appreciate the podcast as well. And if the show sometimes feels to hard to talk about, I would much rather you do shorter casts or multiple episode at a time if you feel that helps.

  • My name is Wei Tu Long
    My name is Wei Tu Long
    Comments: 6

    You can count me in the “people who want the podcast” group; I just don’t like asking for new videos (stemming from annoyance for youtubers who do that). Actually, I was going to suggest you just do one at the end of the season with your thoughts and mention the episodes you liked/disliked, if it was difficult to talk about single episodes, but I think what you’re doing now is better.

  • BB Shockwave
    BB Shockwave
    Just might make the CUT
    Comments: 52

    Season…. ELEVEN?!?  Seriously  does this thing never end? I am surprised they even have any supernatural entities to fight against anymore, given how they killed God, Satan, most angels and devils, and most non-christian deities and spirits as well already. ’cause it’s not like gods would be immortal, y’know…

    • ArcaneFinale
      Comments: 11

      They killed God? I thought he just kind of left. Unless that was in one of the later seasons. And I thought Lucifer was sealed away rather than killed.

      Then again, I didn’t watch all of season 10, and have no plan to watch 11, so I may have missed something.

      • Robanah
        Comments: 10

        They didn’t kill God!! Not the Christian one anyway. Technically they didn’t kill Lucifer either, they just locked him in a cage… My question is why doesn’t the SPN world have a Jesus????

        Nope, you really aren’t missing much, Season 10 was crap and focused more on the personal journeys of the individual characters rather than have an exciting story to tell. Hell… the ABSOLUTE worst episode of Supernatural was where they gave the ghost they were hunting an elaborate back story!!!

        Season 11 is slowly becoming a little bit better as it is “trying” to get back to its roots, episode 4 of season 11 was amazing!