10 years after An American Werewolf in London, John Landis made another horror comedy about vampires and the mafia. How did it turn out!

10 years after An American Werewolf in London, John Landis made another horror comedy about vampires and the mafia. How did it turn out!
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John Landis also directed Animal House, Shlock, Kentucky Fried Movie and The Blues Brothers (original) before doing An American Werewolf in London. In fact, those four movies were why people didn’t buy John Landis directing a horror movie to begin with. AAWwiL was the first screenplay he ever wrote before becoming a director (I believe he was either 17 or 19 when he did, I know it was about the time that he was working on Kelly’s Heroes) and of course, he didn’t make the movie because, not only did he choose to wait until technology had advanced enough for him to make the movie, but also because he wanted to get a few movies under his belt before finally directing it. Of course everyone expected it to flop because he had only worked on comedies before hand, so they assume he didn’t have what it took to direct a horror flick. That changed once it came out and soared to popularity.
As for Innocent Blood, I had always heard about it, but never saw it, so I think now is a good time to give it a watch!
How did I forget? This isn’t a review for An American Werewolf in London. 😉
Whoops. My bad then! ^_^;
HEY, was that Don Rickles I saw there?
If so, I’m on board.
Both you and Doug Walker need to learn how to pronounce Robert Loggia’s name. It’s pronounced “Low-sh-ah.”
You also fail to mention the single best thing in this movie, Anthony LaPaglia! And before you butcher his name it’s pronounced, “La-paul-lee-ah.”