Jacob’s Ladder is a great film that was one of the inspirations for Silent Hill. The film makes Phelous come to a realization after his 5 years of making reviews.

Jacob’s Ladder is a great film that was one of the inspirations for Silent Hill. The film makes Phelous come to a realization after his 5 years of making reviews.
68 Comments Comments RSS
Congrats on doing this for 5 years, man. And since this seems to be the end, I just want to say that I enjoyed every last minute of it.
If this really is the end, I must say huge thanks to you Phelous for your reviews over the years. They have been great.
No. This isn’t the end. You haven’t reviewed the last Resident Evil movie yet.
Phelan, how dare you to mocking such great movie? I’m not joking. This is not THAT king of movie
Now if you just fooled us all, well done. I mean MK: Conquest has a lot of episodes left for you to review. Plus a Bride of Chucky review with Doug/NC would kick ass.
However, if this is the end Phelan, I thank you for every video and laugh that came along with them and best of luck in whatever you pursue from this point forward.
You know, it figures he would upload his final review mere days after I finally got around to creating an account on his site, despite having been an avid viewer for years.
Well, if this is really the end of Phelous, I’d just like to say how much I loved your reviews and how you always were my favourite TGWTG contributor. Good night, sweet reviewer, and a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest.
If this is the end, then congrates on 5 great years of doing this Phelan! On the other hand I’m really gonna miss you doing these movie reviews. I always looked forward to them and was excited when i watched. Hope this just means bigger and better things! Thanks You Phelan. =]
I must say that this may be one of your best video.
First the review was great as always and also you did a good horror movie (I never watched it but heard of it a lot) And it sure showed that you loved that movie. Then that ending. It was just so well put up.
If you really are stopping making reviews than Thank you for those 5 years, it was really amazing.
In researching Silent Hill, I discovered Jacob’s Ladder and gave it a watch a few weeks ago. I thought the film was a bit weak as a piece of cinema, but enjoyed the effects a lot. I feel like the message was handled a little ham-handedly, but really enjoyed the sense of impending insanity. The idea of being left behind in the world, as the fabric of reality strains around you, really lent a sense of being out-of-place, and an overall eerie atmosphere to the film. The deleted scene in the bedroom when he takesthe “antidote” was pretty nerve-wracking. I really thought the movie could do with more of a confrontation with something like Silent Hill’s Incubus/Samael, you know, just something to really terrify the audience in a manifested, solid way.
I just registered to your site to post this comment, after about 3 years of watching your reviews every week.
It was a great time with you, Phelan, and I hope you will continue things like BootlegZone. Damn – I didn’t even feel so sad as I do right now when NC was cancelled first, but I guess every good thing has to come to an end.
Good luck. Have my kudos for being one of the best, if not the best reviewer at Channel Awesome.
You genuinely rock man. Plus it’s cool that you’re an atlantic canadian like myself.
After all these years, I always found myself going back to your site, even well after my interest in TGWTG and channel awesome has waned.
I hope this isn’t the end, and maybe it’s another one of your skylarkings or maybe one of your shenanigans?! But if it is, I can totally understand. And with that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being an excellent and reliable source of entertainment! Wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors.
Thanks for all the laughs Phelan. You are awesome. Seriously, much love from this fan. Looking forward to whatever you do next (unless it’s working at Kinko’s or something, because I will drive at most 800 miles to make copies).
Ok Phelous. You’ve done this to us 2 or 3 times now. But if you actually make good on your threat this time, I will become an alchaholic. I know that’s pretty selfish and unfair of me, but I rely on your unique brand of humor to get through the week. If you quit now, you will be ruining someone’s life.
Haha, fuck you, Phelous.
ALL this time, all the non-canon plotlines were CANON!?
All the time this meta just kidding nonsensical side stuff suddenly becomes serious?
(Yes, A plus plus minus)
You’ve tricked us before haha, but if this really the end Im actually quite touched
Phelous and The Movies wasnt just my favourite review series on TGWTG (I dont even visist there anymore), its one of my favourite web series full stop; and defiantly the videos I most revisit.
I know I dont post on here much, if at all but I felt I had to for this one. Really express how much youve entertained me, my friends and some of my family throughout the five years- without ever dropping in qaulity either! The videos wont stop entertaining me in the future ethier as theres no doubt Im going to keep watching them.
I wish you the best in the future man, and if this isnt really the end of your reviews; boy you got me good.
Good luck!
Could this really be the end of Phelous & the Movies? (dramatic music)
I imagine what this means is no more “Phelous” movie reviews and doing Bootleg Zones fulltime. Didn’t he say an MLP bootleg figure episode was coming?
If you ask me, Bootleg Zones is the better show anyway. Some of Phelous’s movie reviews were hit and miss but I’ve never seen a bad Bootleg Zones episode. If that’s the case then bring on more Bootleg Zones! It’s the only show that’s given Jenna Marbles a run for her money as the best show on the internet.
If this is truly the end of whatever your review show is called, then it is a magnificent way to bring the entire show to a close. The way everything ties itself together is so ingenious, that it kind of makes me sad to want more review videos from you. This may just be a clever way to celebrate five years and tie into the movie, or it could be a farewell to your reviews of movies, but no matter what, I hope you continue to make videos like “Bootleg Zones” or “Halloweenie”. Thank you for all of the laughs you have given over the last five years, and I hope there are more to come.
What’s neat about Silent Hill is that it doesn’t just copy Jacob’s Ladder, it advances it. Like, if you see the movie after playing the games, it just seems kind of quaint and primitive. In contrast to that, if you see Jacob’s Ladder after seeing one of those endless legions of horror movies that copied the head-flailing jump scare, it feels like you aren’t just seeing where the trick was made, you’re getting the point of why it exists. Also, I thought the bit about the black ladies teasing the mailman was neat, it juxtaposed excellently with the horror.
Now I have the strong urge to rewatch all your reviews again.
Deadpan snarky bastard. You better not be ending your reviews, I am going to miss them! There are so many things I want to see reviewed first!
Does Lupa know her boyfriend has been dead all along and their relationship a hallucination?
Are you people shitting me? This is, like, the four billionth time he has done this. WHY DO YOU PEOPLE KEEP BELIEVING HE IS ENDING THE SERIES OUT OF NOWHERE? He does this PROFESSIONALLY, and giving up the life was thematically appropriate to the subject matter! The whole premise of his final moment was to stop making movies BECAUSE HE NEVER PUBLISHED ONE. GAAAAAAAAAAAH
Why is everyone on this site a god-tier troll???
Of course it could be trolling, but it makes sense. Phelan does this professionally but you can only make so much of a living from it. You need ads to make revenue but everybody complains to the reviewer, or runs AdBlocker (denying the reviewer of any revenue for their work), or posts their stuff to YouTube (again no revenue). Balance against the growing fight with spammers (love those captchas!), and is it really worth it? After Phelan took 3-4 months off and this choice of movie, I believe it’s over. This is definitely what they call a “swan song”, and is a great way to go out.
How would people be trolls if they believe it genuinely and trolls would instead pretend to believe it in order to piss people off?
Your logic makes no sense, sir.
Well, whether this is the end or just another beginning, I’d like to say thanks Phelous for all the work you’ve put into the last five years. I only found your videos a year or two ago, but I’ve watched and loved them all. So either keep up the good work, or good luck with whatever you do now. I totally should have made an account earlier than after this video.
I’ve got to say this has got to be among your best. No, you didn’t hit us with silly joke after joke, but you instead presented us with a very interesting and entertaining review and a good piece of storytelling at the end. You really have come a long way from Mac and Me. Thanks for the five years you’ve given us, and here’s to another five (I hope!).
Maybe its the last review in that location and maybe he and lupa are moving in together
So even though you’re dead, you still have to edit in credits with proper attribution to avoid getting sued postmortem by the copyright cartel. Figures.
@obsolete: that was my thought when I saw the set dismantled. But then right there on screen: dead body. So there goes that theory. Unless Lupa has a morgue in her basement. I don’t know what the rules and regulations are of shipping bodies across the border, though.
I’ve been watching these videos since you first started on redmattersite.com/html and I can say that while I will certainly miss these videos, I am perfectly fine with this being your last review. I hope that you move on to bigger and better things, which I’m pretty sure you will. Also, Background Noise’s 4th year anniversary is coming up, they’re on episode 201 now, so you should drop by those guys in around 7 weeks!
Hm, well, it’s not April 1st this time, it’s August 1st… but that stinger at the end makes me curious.
Well, if it’s really the end of these horror reviews, then I think I kinda saw it coming, since they’ve been coming out far less often for quite a while now, and if it’s time for them to completely stop then that’s cool I think. I’ve been watching them for years and they were my favorite reviews for a long time, so thanks back to you for making em for so long.
If it’s not really the end, well, I’m curious as to where things will go from here.
Wether this is really the end, a joke… or you’re simply on summer vacations… Good job with your reviews!
The damn things are addictive.
“Here lies Phelanous:
And then he died!
Thanks for all these years of reviews. You’re my favorite reviewer and I won’t forget all the laughs you’ve given me.
I really hope this isn’t the end, I love your videos! And holy shit the ending of that review blew my mind! If you have been planning this for so long, it was well worth the wait! Also, so glad you decided to review Jacob’s Ladder, it truly is a great flick!
After looking around for quite some time (about 5 minutes on google) I’m pretty comfortable with assuming this is in fact, not the end of Phelous and the Movies. I base this on a few things. Firstly, while Phelous is no stranger to ‘trolling’ his viewers, hes always been pretty courtious and respectful while interacting. His dead silence on these comments are suspect to me, because I would think if this was real ending he would put some of the questions to rest.
There has been no news on the site itself of Phelous and the Movies ending either. Twitters are pretty quiet all around including folks like Brad Jones and Lewis Lovhaug, who I believe are some good friends of Phelan’s. I’d suspect they would both at least address this if it were true. Some theories (yes, there are theories around this) are guessing that Phelan may be moving in with Allison, since that would explain why his review room is a tad empty.
I actually don’t know how the ‘ending’ was addressed. On the four seprate attempts to watch this the video froze three times at a clorox commercial and one time it ended prematurly after the first break.
To sum up, I beleive (and hope) this is not the end of Phelous and the Movies. I can’t say i’m a veteran of his youtube days, but I have been an advid viewer for a few years now. I enjoy Phe;an’s uniqe brand of comedy and I like hearing his opinions. In many ways, he has helped me get over several childhood fears by taking movies that disturbed or frightened me by demasculating them. I’ve grown as a person over the years and the videos he’s made have contributed to that in a small way. It’s had an effect on my sense of humor, my interests, and even a few of my mannerisms.
Thank you for five years of entertainment. I hope to see even more.
I think you have the best theory yet- after no announcement on the TGWTG page, and what you said with no ‘Phelous leaving’ comments on his friends tweets, packing up the review room; he could definitely be moving in with Allison and/or taking a serious break from the review game. I hope you’re right and we’ll hear from Phelan soon. If not, he went out on a great note.
The review itself was very funny, I particulerly enjoyed Chris Bores “guest appearence” and that stinger at the very end
Thanks from a young fan: Phelan,
Thank you for five years of greatness. I have seen most of your reviews more then once, they just put a smile on my face like nothing else. I think you are the funniest person on TGWTG and your love of horror has rubbed off on me. You’ve shown this young filmaker that it doesn’t take a big budget “dispite what IMDB says about your show” to make movies you are passinote about. You’ve definitly inspired me and I thank you for that, it’s hard to find role modles in the film industry nowadays. It seems everythings goin’ ta shit. Good thing we have the internet and people like you.
I wish you the best of luck in whatever it is you choose to pursue next.
Thanks for the laughs.
Wait, was did the tennis ball have to do with anything?
Jesus Christ, I don’t know what I’m feeling. Is it really the end? Is it not? If it’s not, how will it be handled? If it is, is it only the end of Phelous’ reviews, or will things like the Bootleg Zone (which apparently still has at least one video planned for the future) also cease to be made?
I don’t know what anything is anymore, but either way, I just wanted to thank you, Phelan. Your brand of comedy is exactly the kind that I love. You are the embodiment of what Meta humor (pardon the use of the term) is; I cannot think of anyone who’s captured it quite as perfectly as you have. It’s the kind of humor that I look up to, the kind of comedy I strive to achieve whenever I try to make people laugh. And in the brief moments where you weren’t being humorous, I felt the message of what you were trying to say. Or maybe I’m just trying to put my conflicting thoughts into words and, as a result of failing to do so, am rambling.
Either way . . . It’s been a hell of a ride, Phelous. Whether that ride is over or not, I’m glad I caught it. So thanks, man. You’ve truly touched my heart and tickled my phunny bone. I look forward to seeing you again… And if I don’t, then farewell. Thank you.
Anyone else been having problems with this website for months? You log in, you get a page full of HTML, you hit back & refresh to get the page again. Same with posting responses. Stuff like this:
Wow, I can’t believe I’ve never seen this movie before. I really need to now.
this may also have inspired the Chronophasia episode of Aeon Flux.
Nope, the Phelous body was thinner than his original review body so it’s not him. It’s Panda and Welshy in a Phelous suit.
Heheheh, normally a Phelous finishes his reviews, but not this one…he’s on a RAMPAGE!
In all seriousness, I have been following you for years, Phelous, and I think you are fantastic. REFERENCES! WIT! COMEDY! You’ve always been a fun critic, reviewer, whatever you want to call it, and it’s crazy that you’ve been able to keep it going for 5 years like this. I never really commented before, but I wanted to say kudos and thanks for the hard work and the laughs.
But yeah, seriously, you’re awesome.
Uh oh, you’re reviewing one of my favorite movies of all time. TREAD CAREFULLY SIR.
Great review. It’s interesting to see you watching a movie you like for a change. I have to say that while I absolutely love the deleted scenes I have to agree with you on the ‘Cure’ scene. I liked the unsettling mood of the bathroom scene though, and the last scene with Jezebel does give some much-needed closure. I wish that the Cure scene could have somehow been worked into the film a bit earlier however, the effects work and sound design in that scene is *amazing*.
is that if they did what Jacob’s ladder did, people would say “you’re just ripping off Jacob’s ladder!” so they’re screwed either way.Also I’m not buying this whole “end of series” thing. I mean you did this twice. hell I’m calling it now: next review: he wakes up from a dream within a dream.
I’ve been a long time viewer of your reviews, first time caller (commenter?). I signed up just to say that this is really sad and depressing, I had to listen to the Incredible Hulk Walking Away Music after watching this review. You have done a great job and service over these past 5 years, your style of humor and wit is a very rare commodity to come across in these dark times we currently live in. I hope this a fakeout and not a real goodbye, at this point it’s kind of starting to feel like you’ve created this huge cliffhanger and everyone is drawn in on the edge of their seats. Perhaps at best I would like to think of this as a big anniversary or just a short hiatus, hey we all need a break sometime. Surely, you will be back, Halloween is just around the corner and that’s like the best time of the year to do videos.
Jacob’s Ladder is a classic and your review is a high note that makes all of this recent speculation even more a bit mysterious. I had not realized before all of the similarities between it and Silent Hill. Everything you had mentioned in comparison to other bad movies makes me want to watch it again and really appreciate the subtleties it possesses. To choose to commemorate 5 years like this is pretty epic, I couldn’t think of a better or more memorable way to end it all, if it really is over. For what it’s worth, you now have another fan who is signed up to your site, lol. That’s the part where you show up a week later and go “Ha ha fooled you!” Yeah, well it’s been a great journey, hope it continues and if not that’s okay too. Take care.
hmmm.. So nobody is really analzying the very very end where there is this random knock on the door, and it cuts out?
I’m assuming it’s an EMT given that an ambulance can be heard in the background.
Yes, that’s right. But it honestly doesn’t really fit into the last episode idea. The way it was filmed and quickly cuts off only gives the impression to ask who is there? And why was it added? Is there someone or something that will save Phelous and the Movies?
I could be wrong, but it does allow setup for another episode.
That’s it for Phelous and the Movies, stay tuned for the New Adventures of the Phelous D1 Show!
“Fight in your head that this isn’t true.” Gee, I wonder if you intentionally wrote that line in.
Seriously though, I need to rent this film. It sounds really good.
This review was a better Silent Hill movie than the Silent Hill movies.
double clicked sorry
Well, I’ve been a longtime watcher of your material since you debuted on TGWTG, and have held you as my favorite producer there. I made an account today for the express purpose of saying that I really appreciate your hard work and continually entertaining reviews. Everytime you put something out the quality gets better and better, so I don’t mind the pace at which you put material out.
I love your side material as well, the MK reviews, the Bootleg Zone, and even Halloweeny. Keep up the great work and I’ll keep following your achievements.
Then it is to be. Even going with face value and that this truly is the end, I highly doubt that he will just stop making content entirely. Most likely, it probably means he will stop with the main review show, but still continue with Bootleg Zones and (hopefully) MKC reviews.
Regardless, whether this is the end of the main show, or him reviewing entirely, this was probably one of the best ways you could have gone out in either respect. This is easily one of the best reviews I’ve seen in a long while, and the ending… It should shame me to admit to getting teary-eyed at something like this, but yeah, it was very dramatic. Godspeed, Phelan, with whatever the hell you do from here. Here’s to 5 great years.
And THEN there’s the possibility that this is a repeat of the Funny Games Redux/Twilight reviews fake-out, and all is still well, in which case… all is still well.
damn that sucks =( if you really are finished with this show I just want to say it was awesome while it lasted and this last review was great. I do hope you go on to do something else online though you’re one of the good talents out. It’s been fun watching your work phelous probably going to visit the site often and watch the old episodes XD
I know someone as talented as you has to branch out to do other projects…it’s been a great ride though with every episode.. hoping to see more of your work in the future..all the best dude 🙂 I made this avatar for you 🙂 (hope it shows up)
I know someone as talented as you has to branch out to do other
projects…it’s been a great ride though with every episode.. hoping to
see more of your work in the future..all the best dude 🙂 I made this
avatar for you above 🙂 (hope it shows up) just needs cropping..also if you like Studio Canal films I also recommend “The Machinist”
I know what I know, but I’m not telling!
Brilliant video!
Congratulations on the 5 year anniversary.
Started watching when you came to TGWTG and it took you like 2 videos to become number one.
My main problem with you is that your humour infects me, and pretty much nobody else in my circle of friends watches, so I often times wind up either stifling an impulse or just (from my friends’ perspective) randomly quoting you.
As for the quitting thing, I have to agree with wetman, it’s Welshy and Panda in a Phelous suit!
‘The Phelous Show with and the Movies Now Tonight’ Show is on hiatus while Phelan fixes his youtube account. if he’s been dead the whole time, then he’s still dead
and completely capable of editing videos from beyond the grave. either
that or the entire Jacob’s ladder video was in fact Sub-Zero posing as
Phelan to trick his fans into leaving the website, because he has always
been bitter with Phelan ever since he complained about the Ice Other
World in Shattered Memories.
jokes aside, sorry to hear about Allison’s cat.
First of all let me just say I registered just now so I could post this comment. I dont usually scroll through comments on videos but I did here because I needed some closure on what the fuck just happened.
Phelous doesn’t die at the end of the Mac and Me video. He just clutches his heart and says “My Heart!”. Although its leaning towards a heart attack its never shown and there are no consequences to him saying that.
By the way Phelous as a fellow Canadian (albeit a Vancouverite) I have to say since I started watching your videos, (I believe you were at The Ruins when I started) you have been an incredible inspiration to me.
About 2 months ago I even started my own review channel in emulation. I know you probably get hundreds of people telling you to go watch their videos but if you can look me up on youtube under youtube.com/user/Grammarjudge I can help return some of the laughs you have so provided me over these long years.
If this really is the end for you then I am sorry but the fans and I will keep you in our memories and your legacy will live with us.
Kristof Comu
All good things come to an end, and this was no different. If this truly legit. I wish you the best on what you decide to do next. Fingers crossed for more Mortal Komedy. Have fun!
For about the last year and a half, I haven’t been able to view any of the videos on this site thanks to Blip. Jacob’s Ladder is one of the movies that inspired Silent Hill, and I’d LOVE to see Phhelous’ take on it. I’m dying inside! Does ANYONE know any fixes for this problem, or maybe an alternate link to his videos?? I’ve been a huge fan since the beginning, but now I have no way of seeing his uploads.
I’m here and waiting for you. Where are you, I can’t find you. ;~;
I hope you will review the next pile of crap coming soon in 2014. I know it will be totally s***, and then Paul W.S. Anderson will get kick ass’d.
Then,I think someone will make a reboot…..WITHOUT ALICE 🙂
I myself am a huge fan of Jacob’s Ladder, and feel it continues to go overlooked by movie lovers. A well-crafted thriller/horror that simply relies on atmosphere, some practical effects, and the performances of its actors. Throughout the film the audience questions Jacob’s experiences– what’s real and what’s not, and the significance behind it all. Lyne manages do this while keeping the viewer engaged, never leaving him/her frustrated or unsatisfied. It’s a haunting, yet beautiful film that leaves a lasting impression.
I thoroughly enjoyed your breakdown of it, and while I understand that reviewing movies that are of less quality will likely continue to be your bread and butter (don’t get me wrong, your humorous dissections of poor films are great), I’m sure many of us fans would love to see you produce reviews similar to this one a bit more often. You taking a look at a movie that you enjoy effectively shakes things up. Moreover, it’s interesting to hear you comment on elements from a film that actually prove beneficial. As you pointed out in this video, the “dream on” moment is so simple, and yet it will always be far more effective than any kind of hollow jump scare. That juxtapostion between what makes a film strong, and what makes another weak is always fascinating.
So, with all that said, do you have plans to review another film that you yourself hold in high regard? Or was this just a case of one and done?
Well this hasn’t really been the only positive review I’ve done and I do enjoy changing it up so I’ll probably do more.
You take a 3 month hiatus & everyone thinks you’re dead. Hahahaha.
This is still the saddest review ever… great review, great movie, but a world without Phelous…? that”s not a world worth living in! Still enjoying the transition away from bad horror movies into cartoons and the greatest power trio ever! keep up the awesome work!
I’ll be honest, I don’t think this film is nearly as subtle or nuanced as people made it out to be.
Certainly it’s a film that managed tension, likeable characters, and some impressive and well-directed visuals. However, the story’s full of holes, pointless scenes and obvious visual metaphors. Plus the fact it bashes the damn twist into your head so often it’s impossible not to know exactly what’s gonna happen. This is a film that’s supposed to have a twist ending, but instead it’s just “What took you so long?”
And stuff like the doctor who confesses to the drug experiments just was pointless and stupid. Why the hell is that in there? By this point, we know none of this is real, it’s all a fiction invented in Jacob’s head, so why are we wasting time on this doctor’s explanation when it’s not real, he’s not real, and the explanation is one that Jacob shouldn’t even know. Either he somehow found out this while in a coma, or the explanation is untrue and meaningless.
None of that’s to say it’s a bad film, like I said it’s got a lot going for it in terms of dialogue, visuals, directing, acting, camera work, tension etc… but when the thing hammers in the point over and over and over again that Jacob’s actually just dying in a temporary Vietnam war hospital, it can’t really be considered ‘subtle’ when compared to other, similar works, and some of its sub-plots were just unnecessary.