• dennett316
    Comments: 13

    Loved this movie when I saw it as a teenager…but to be honest I only remember the cat swallowing scene and I think he turns invisible too?  We need more killer dog movies nowadays…preferably genetically engineered ones.

  • Rakmi
    Comments: 78

    The audio is a little weird. Or is it just me?

    • Dexy22
      Comments: 7

      Yeah I was just about to comment about it, the audio seems to be low quality / bitrate for some reason.


      Might have been something Phelan overlooked during rendering.

      • Phelous
        Comments: 625

        Blip did something weird converting it on their end. I’m gonna have it reuploaded soon which should fix it.

        Edit: It’s fixed now.

  • Steve3
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 104

    Is it weird to say I was hoping you’d do a bat-in-the-ass joke?

  • silbmaerto
    Comments: 6

    Wow, this review is just hilarious, especially the “Android Henriksen” gravestone part.

  • kagesonofbaator
    Comments: 8

    Another failed attempt on weaponizing another species mr. yutani? 

    The cat being shallowed whole was a great bit of confusing hilarity.

    Also you point out the running “I got a shotgun.” gag but not the rape horn?

    • likalaruku
      Completely Useless Now
      Comments: 935

      The part with the cat being swallowed always pissed me off. It doesn’t matter what state I move to, there’s always a problem with wild coyotes roaming the streets at night in search of house pets to eat.

  • Radelta
    Comments: 13

    I was always wondering if that was a real film john witherspoon was watching in ‘Friday’. His character seemed to enjoy it more than you Phelous

  • IHadAShotgun
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 26

    Couldn’t contain my laughter throughout the video, but especially wheneveryou did a Max voiceover. Hilarious.

  • likalaruku
    Completely Useless Now
    Comments: 935

    Man’s Best Friend 2: Rise of the Puppy Power.


    Speaking of which, what was worse, that other CG dog one you referenced, or live action Scooby Doo?

  • Cornwind Evil
    Cornwind Evil
    Comments: 9

    Great review Phelous, so I’ll just say, I think you need to switch shampoos, your hair has been looking really stringy and terrible these last few vids. Unless you like it that way, in which case carry on.

  • fatalrob0t
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    I… No lie, I just sat in stunned, horrified silence as I watched the dog rape scene. Horrified. Silence. That.. I… WHY? WHY??

  • Aural Aurum
    Just might make the CUT
    Comments: 46

    I trust that someone has already put “voice of dog getting raped” on Frank Welker’s IMDB credits. I trust it so much that I won’t even check.


    That’s how much I trust.

  • Sabby
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    This is something that really gets to me… when an animal is hurt in a movie and I can’t see how the scene was filmed without actually distressing and/or harming it. That cat really looked terrified the way it was struggling, and I really REALLY hope that that was a stock sound clip and not the cats actual sounds. I doubt they could have really hurt it in the end, but yanking it through a puppet and purposefully scaring the fuck out of it to make it struggle and scream like that is just horrifying to me 🙁 

  • Ryuukokoro
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 25

    Hey hey! Long-time viewer, first time poster.


    I have to know… does another version of this movie exist? Maybe a made-for-tv version with the ‘gore’ removed? I swear I used to watch this movie a lot when I was younger (I was so excited when I saw the cover shot on Phelous.com today!) and I distinctly remember the cat escapes without being killed. He jumps from the top of the tree after Max climbs it, and there’s a shot of him flying through the air, landing on the sidewalk, and skittering away…


    Maybe my child-mind was so tramatized by the sight of a puppet swallowing a feline that I made up an alternate ending. >_>

    • Sabby
      Old Man
      Comments: 2

      I’ve done that one a few times ^^’ I once convinced myself that John and Sarah Connor talked Arny out of dying in the steel mill by jumping on the chain with him.

  • SinValor
    Old Man
    Comments: 3

    Great job on the review, Phelan, BUT…during the ‘dog rape’ scene, you forgot to sound the rape horn, one of your running gags throughout your reviews. If only you included that, this would’ve been perfect. But still, great work.

  • ninjadnice
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 25

    Dude you answered my prayers by finally putting back that shot gun clip. Idc how stupid it is I FUCKING LOVE IT! Btw where does it even come from? That’s partly why I am so fascinated by it lol. But besides that, This review was Freaking Awesome!! Dude everything was Top Notch and you were on your A+ game when you made this review. Oh and cube man is awesome, keep him in the background of your videos. One more thing, Let go of the past man, it isn’t healthy to hate yourself that much. No one is perfect when they start doing anything. But yeah it is funny seeing you get mad and yell at your own silly flubs. Is that you just trying to take Meta to another Level again??? Love your vids man, Keep up the magnificent Work!!!             

    David H.

  • megadolaon
    Bat Hero
    Comments: 82

    Indeed, I AM happy that you’ve used I Gotta Shotgun again! I feel like that was a personal treat for me and a few others, you otherwise wouldn’t have put it in for. 

    And glad you made the Karate Dog jokes where they were due. They were obvious, but oh so necessary ;p

  • SsnakeBite
    Comments: 76

    That review was freaking hilarious, Phelous! You seem to be on a roll these days between TLC, the MK Conquest vids and your regulars reviews, you’ve been putting up a lot of videos in a short time span AND they’re high-quality. Keep up the good work, man.

  • RUcussingwithme
    Comments: 10

    Phelous, please use your Max “dog” voice in everything you do. Forever. It sersiouly made me laugh to tears. 


    I was also waiting for a Barking Up The Wrong Tree joke somewhere. Haha. But great review Phelous keep doing what your doing!

  • Drain
    Comments: 9

    The audio is still bad on the HD version of this upload. Not much of an issue as I can just watch the regular version, but I thought I’d mention it.

  • MrBonesHOK17
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    Phelan… what the hell? There is *shudder* dog rape, and yet I get no rape horn? I think either man, or beast deserves the rape horn. I get a shotgun, but no horn? Shame on you sir. Shame!

  • Drain
    Comments: 9

    That’s a good point. Did you forget about your rape horn Phelous?! I’m pretty sure it should apply to dogs too.

  • Ultratech94
    End Of Transmission
    Comments: 381

    you know, the robot dog on your title card reminds me of the terminator dogs seen in the Robocop Versus The Terminator video games.