Nostalgia Critic and Phelous are up to child’s play again. Will Chucky take over Andy’s body this time? Yes, yes he will and the other movies in the series don’t exist.

Nostalgia Critic and Phelous are up to child’s play again. Will Chucky take over Andy’s body this time? Yes, yes he will and the other movies in the series don’t exist.
19 Comments Comments RSS
Wow…I really didn’t expect this.
Just how STUPID this film is becomes very clear. I still love it though, just for that final scene. Chucky, you see, unlike other serial killers of this type (Jason, Michael, Freddy, etc) actually feels and expresses pain, and since he ends up in that weird fusion of being human flesh and blood and being doll plastic and metal, he can get mauled horrifically without going into shock, all while screaming in agony. It almost makes you appreciate Charles Lee Ray’s intestinal fortitude. Regretfully, Chucky’s Rasputian death here is the highlight of the series…though what happens to him in Child’s Play 3 is pretty gruesomely entertaining as well.
It’s not even my birthday! 😀
As a kid I had a slight affection for the first movie, but I absoluted hated every sequel that came out.
PS: The way you guys “hate” each other cracks me fuck up. XD
Honestly never liked chucky i felt he was more comedic then any of the slasher film villians. great review
When Child’s Play first released, the “My Buddy” doll was in almost every child’s house, and it looked VERY similar to Chucky. So, the horror worked since people saw the film, went home, then saw a Chucky doll staring them in the face.
True, every old slasher movie is basically garunteed at least 2 or 3 sequels. But Chucky really looses all impact without its original’s setting. The “My Buddy” fad was past, and this review showed just how nonsensical the movie itself actually is.
Ah well. At least the review itself was funny. Wonder how many of the Child’s Play sequels we can look forward to NC/Phelous covering.
Where is that music from that you used when Chucky was killing the doll? It sounds familiar but I don’t have a clue where it is from.
That is all.
but I already know to say. THANK YOU. You’re too kind to us, Fail Us. 🙂
After this one, I can’t wait for part 3! Part 4/ Bride of Chucky however….that one can wait. :V Gawd was that one dumb, unfortunately that was the first one I saw, too.
Oh, and I’d say Doug seems like a big fan of your style of humor, since (to me) it looks like he gives his an extra 20% into these crossovers.
There’s a scanner lurking about! No, not the kind that copies images, the kind that blows up heads!
lol Sith strikes again
finally Phelous you did the right thing.
hey Phelous, you should review hellraiser deader. ;3
Can anyone feel the hammer of mediocraty that hit this movie hard?
Phelous you should review the Puppet Master Series. Its a decent series.
I love the Child’s Play series. The influence from The Twilight Zone’s “Talking Tina” was obvious. Speaking of posessed dolls, will you ever do Annabelle?
My first official comment and first time logged in on the site being registered as of today. Moving on, I think the Child’s Play reviews were the very first ones I ever saw next to the Mortal Kombat movies when my friend Mikey convinced me to see them. Since then I really have enjoyed the reviews and sometimes watching them with my friend, especially certain references within them. As for Child’s Play 2 (and I have seen all the movies including the “of Chucky” ones), I use to take movies so seriously watching them through without much of a thought and never thought of seeing how certain moments are actually funny for what they really are. For example, Chucky killing Tommy; after seeing that moment reviewed the first time, it did become funnier every time I saw it. I have developed a little more insight as I watch whatever interests me. 😀
I love Doug’s impression of Jeff Goldblum at the end there.