Mortal Kombat’s sequel annihilates most of it’s cast and instead adds countless extra characters in order to make an incoherent mess.

Mortal Kombat’s sequel annihilates most of it’s cast and instead adds countless extra characters in order to make an incoherent mess.
27 Comments Comments RSS
couldnt agree more.. or could i
it feels gross to refer to annihilation as mk2
mk2 beinng my favourite of the series
it’s definitely true what was said about the fatalies in trilogy(and mk3) and mk2
it always bothered me that when someone was decapitated they continued standing
even worse were fatalies like kung lao’s hat throwing one where part of the arms would float :/
in regards to the movie i learnt that this movie was even worse than i originally thought
I remember the soul-crushind disappointment of seeing this movie in the theater when it came out. The first one is still one of the best video game movies ever made. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe the movie was TOO good, so they had to make sure the second one exceeded the level of awful required to make up for the first one’s greatness. Seriously, the actors had to say “Animality” and no one questioned how completely stupid it sounded.
Also, I don’t understand the bitching about the crossovers. The reason I loved watching Lupa’s videos when she first showed up on TGWTG was because her sense of humor, her mannerisms, and her whole style is very similar to Phelous. She’s like a female Phelous (phemalous?). And the chemistry they have when they work together is simply amazing, as well as adorable.
Guess that makes me an idiot to all the people bitching about Lupa and Phelous doing crossover reviews and cameos. Well I have one thing to say to those people:
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is so bad, that even a review of the movie is tough to watch. I bet Christopher Lambert saw the script to this movie and said, “No thank you sir! I have better things to do, like make some direct to video movies!” So instead they got Ajax from The Warriors to play Raiden.
I didn’t even know there WAS a sequel.
Wow, these are some grade D special effects here.
Short haired Raiden: 70% less attractive than the same face with long hair.
Hey dad, has anyone ever told you that I look a little older than you?
Damn, I think Jade needs a sandwich. I think Jade needs 100 sandwiches.
“LEFTOVERS?!” lol.
Ill admit I like this movie as a giulty pleasure but I will admit it is vERY flawed as hell! I do like the fact the costumes in this movie are better. At least they don’t look like they were fished out of a Wallgreen’s after Halloween bargen bin!
I still hope the new reboot movie they’re making goes the fallow Scorpion as the lead rout!
Phelous is on the right track but still this isnt Horror. come on Phelous just give in mate give us a horror review.
Uhhh… Mortal Kombat and Silent Hill have always been a part of his videos. Why do you have a problem with him reviewing these?
Awesome video, as always, sir! Also, I fell out of my chair during the “ice on the stove” bit. That was great.
Gonna do the animated show next?
Well like I said he is heading in the right driection. I think he might be stepping on Doug’s toes just a little bit though with the last two reviews. I understand he loves Mortal Kombat so I can understand the review, However it’s kinda taking advantage of Doug.
Is Nostalgia Critic’s manhood–er, Critiquehood– challenged because of these reviews? 🙂
Why is everyone taking Phelous’ reviews so seriously all of a sudden? I am sure he puts a lot of effort into them but his “I don’t care” attitude is part of the charm about them.
He just makes these to entertain folks… no need to get all political about them.
Hilarious and awesome. I was so certain that you’d end it by transforming into ChaosD1 and reusing the cat-fight footage from the Meow Mix review that I basically wet myself when you went with AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT callback instead.
Loved the Mortal Phombat reviews as much as I actually loved the first movie, thanks again for the laughs.
Just watch, Phelous! You toned down the crossovers, which was a mild and stupid issue anyway, but now people will complain you’re not doing horror! Or maybe they’ll complain you’re dying at the end of your reviews again! (Pencil sharpener aside). Also, wow, you sure have a lot of Mortal Kombat ninja costumes…I dare you to take pieces from all of them and appear as Chameleon!
Mmmmm delicious pan fried ice cubes. Though sadly I have no attatchment to mortal kombat (street fighter on the other hand..) but still this was pretty funny.
If only there was Johnny Cage though. If only……
And I love the remark you made about the guy bitching about you and Allison’s crossovers.
…don’t be so hard on New-Raiden Phelous! I mean come on, he played Ajax in the original Warriors movie!
In all seriousness though, this movie was a pile, but still hilarious to watch. I thought the first was amazing when it came out, and never have I been so disappointed by a sequel.
Sometimes I wonder if they only killed off Johnny Cage because they couldn’t get Lindin Ashby again.
Phelous, as I represent a twelth of your fan base I’d like to say
that I’m not at all happy with you being such a three dimensional fellow. Please
follow the list of demands below or I’ll tattoo an image of Tommy Wiseau’s
scaly, reptilian ass directly onto your retina.
The demands:
I think that’s all for now
Hey, he wasn’t wearing a red shirt in this review. We’re 2 twelthes of the way there!
Actually that raise’s another good point:
7. Don’t wear a different coloured shirt in your reviews to those depicted in the title cards. It confuses me when I’m trying to write whiny lists of complaint.
That’s a lot of kiss assing bro. Please continue.
Coincidentally “Kiss Assing Bro” is the name of my band.
When not even Christopher Lambert returns for a sequel, you know it’s gonna be bad. This is the guy who was in every single theatrically released Highlander film (along with appearing in the pilot for the tv show). Of course back when this film came out we didn’t have wikiepedia to tell us who was gonna be in what movie so not everyone would no he wasn’t in this. Don’t get me wrong, I love Christopher Lambert. Even if the movie is questionable he’ll still have a nice presence to him. That being said he has done some questionable films. But he’s also an actor and needs to pay the bills. Good review as always Mr. Porteous. Becuause YOU’RE THE BEST! ^_^
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The fact that this movie is supose to revolve around both Mortal Kombat 3 and MK4 is beyond me.
And fuck I heard that ed boon and john tobias were kind of upset that the movie made it out for shao kahn and raiden to be brothers.
The first was hilarious but this movie inspired my name.
I’m sorry Annihilation, I might be able to take your whole song and dance seriously if your main antagonist didn’t spend the whole movie carry on like he just got home from a Simple Plan concert.
“get outtta here” favorite line
anyway, i saw this movie with my dad, the movie theatre was empty, and we did kung fu the whole time. my dad is generally a dick, so this move became special to me because of that i guess, also because i love the games so much, and MK keeps peddling crap at us fans. that TV show you keep reviewing is nothing more that “hurcules: the legend continues” or “xena, warrior princess” with mortal kombat characters. If you want to see something good, check out mortal kombat legacy online… but i digress
uh oh, shao khans lackies, lets run… ok we are safe… ah we are being attacked by a real character… he/she is dead…uh oh, shao khans lackies, lets run… ok we are safe… ah we are being attacked by a real character… he/she is dead…uh oh, shao khans lackies, lets run… ok we are safe… ah we are being attacked by a real character… he/she is dead…
good job phelous