Rod and Nathalie must fight their way through some of the WORST sound and video editing ever so they can get together, but is that a picture of a bird in the distance?

Rod and Nathalie must fight their way through some of the WORST sound and video editing ever so they can get together, but is that a picture of a bird in the distance?
43 Comments Comments RSS
Ohhhh YEEEESSS!!! That what i was waiting for, a new review. Thank You!!!
Phealous you think this movies bad? You should watch Bone sickness, seriously, youtube a scene. lol
Man I though I was the only one who ever saw that pile of shit. A movie that literally tried to hard to be shocking I mean honestly the most nasty retarded thing I have ever seen.
Well I’ll try to check that one out but it’s not going to change this movie from being bad haha.
Holy crap, that movie looks awful! I think the only thing that could make it worse would be Five Across The Eyes-style shaky cam. It just fails on every level, like it was made by someone who’s never even seen a movie before. And did you know they’re making a sequel? Birdemic II: Resurrection 3D. I’m not kidding.
Can’t wait for part two of the review, it looks like it will be awesome! 🙂
This makes me wanna watch the Rifftrax of the movie again, haha.
I’m pretty sure Rod said “You look divine,” but the audio quality of this movie, as well as the actor’s line delivery, is so good that I can see how one could mishear it.
Tales From The Empire!
This may be the only thing that can combat The Room in awfulness. The difference being that at least The Room was hilarious to watch, while this is just awful and not entertaining even at how bad it is.
This….abomination…makes me hurt in places I didn’t even know I had 🙁
I heard “divine” too, but yeah, when someone tells you that in a voice that bored, he might as well tell you you look fine. 😛
I never thought I’d ever see an awkward thumbs up. And I laughed so hard when the mom said she likes to cruise. Must be doing that when she’s “helping” her daughter in her modelling.
I really hope those bird videos don’t ruin the Art and Pumpkin Festival!
The only explanation for crap like this existing is that the creators did it on purpose. That has to be it. They know that the Internet loves ripping apart shitty movies and that’s great free publicity.
Everything I can find about this leads me to believe that it was a huge joke. You don’t accidentally spell your movie’s official website wrong on flyers. You just don’t.
Wow, that was uncomfortably close to After Last Season in terms of awfulness. Also, can’t wait for you to tackle the sequel coming out this fall!
Phelous, how did you find this movie? It saddens me that such a thing exists.
Total Chapos (ChaosD1) sent it to me.
Oh god, Rod has actually managed to become creepier than Lawrance from the original Wolfman. I think the driving was the director’s referance to the greatest movie ever made: Manos the Hands of Fate!
Dude you left out the part with his sale! he got a sale for 1 million dollar…. and he gave a 50% discount wich meant it actually costs 2 million dollar! That’s not a good sale imo. Yes I watched the rifftrax of this 😛 Anyway awesome review!
Was this movie edited by the guy who did the Transformers film series? So much irrelevant detail and failure to use appropriate transitions and edits…
It’s interesting to note, though, how a movie can be bad for all sorts of reasons, but editing usually isn’t one of them. It’s good to see at least some variety in the terrible movies Phelous sends to the review guillotine.
what’s with that waitress…. dude, i was a waitress for a few years. if i smiled like that i don’t think i’d have a job. and there was something unsettling about that. and a note on the guys acting. who has to ACT like they’re walking into a restaurant? ugh he’s awful.
“full blown crazy killer stalking” and the guy runs out a oddly full restaurant. >> o…kay?
“excuse me miss *touches her on back*” NO. NO ONE DOES THAT IN REAL LIFE. the girl would have been freaked of if it was -_- this is awful >> i’m going to ignore a lot of these because my comment will be a novel if i don’t.
*breaks out into dance at flock of seagulls* <3
Despite the craziness, the old woman seems to be the only one who can kinda act.
can't wait for part two. My brain need to recover from the amazing acting.
The main girl isn’t too bad at points, she at least seems like she’s trying, especially compared to wooden rod. But you see her smirking a lot, however, sometimes it’s the stupid editing’s fault.
This was hilarious to watch.
Didn’t know a movie could fail this hard.
Nice bird figurine collection!
Great review so far…. You should do more grade Z films… This makes Resident Evil look like Pulp Fiction…
That scene with the mother reminded me of some old person insurance commercial… I seriously thought that you spliced in a clip from one!
The quality jof this movie makes me think of a local film that was made when I was 15. (15 years ago) Called Delayed Vengence. The guy that made it was some local business guy… I can remember it was supposed to take place in modern times, but the FBI raided the bad guys carrying Tommy Guns! It was even worse than this! We had a big opening and everything… (My family owned a movie theater)
I can’t wait for the second part of this review. I wonder … the birds died of boredom, or simply they were crazy to be flying on such crap and decided to kill everyone in this ”movie”? Lol.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy… I read a written review (complete with tons of pictures of the shitty CGI!) of this film on a French website about so-bad-it’s-good movies and if that review was any indication… that first part was NOTHING compared to what’s yet to come, mostly because the director REALLY wanted to make it a spectacular SFX-fest. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the budget or the competence for it (because as Phelous proved many time, you don’t need a huge budget to make good effects). It seriously takes some particular skills to make special effects this bad, especially considering how most of it is completely unnecessary (come on guys, you couldn’t afford to rent a couple birds and one or two smoke machines? Did you really HAVE to use CGI for that?).
I thought there could never be a movie worse than The Room, but I was mistaken. At least that one doesn’t have unnecessary vomit-inducing CGI.
Why yes, I AM replying to my own comment. Watcha gonna do about it, huh? So yeah, I forgot to ask an importnt question… when can we expect the second part? Days feel like weeks when you’re waiting for the second part of an hilarious video about an hilariously bad movie.
I’m going to BAN YOU! … or rather I’m going to TELL YOU, that the 2nd part is going up now!
My GOD. I made the second part happen!
Phelous I’ve seen you’re bad movie reviews before but this movie Has got to be the worst movie Outta’ the bunch Seriously.
The editing was Awful, The acting was Terrible, CGI Sucked… And worst of all transitions, fades and music Were not fitting to the film at all.
I’m sorry you Had to suffer through this Peice of Sh*t movie Damn directors these days have NO IDEA how to make a movie.
But phelous do you think you can Suffer through a film called… The Room (2003)
…think about it?
There’s nothing that makes a film less watchable than cgi that makes The Asylum’s films look good and random political commentary! I’m almost afraid to even look at the second half…
Wait a minute! Wooden Whoeverthefuck said he knew a good Vietnamese restaurant, but the sign behind them when they were in front of the building mentioned Thai cuisine! >:[
Another hard to watch review….no It’s not because phelous isn’t awesome, he’s GOD LIKE…well..not really, but he is cool as he can get. It’s hard to watch because even CLIPS from this movie hurt me.
Besides that, great review Phelous, at least it’s not as bad as After Last season, not even Spoony at his best could save THAT film.(This is very close though)
Um Phelous… why do you keep a box of tissues next to your bed?
BLASPHEMY! Out of all the characters in Lucky Star you picked Miyuki, aka the most annoying twat in the history of animation, for your profile picture?
This is just terrible, I could give a camera and editing software to a bunch of 5 year olds and they’d make a better, more consistent film than this! Hang in there Phelous!
“Your physical appearance looks acceptable to my visual sensors.”
That is a million times sexier than fine/devine…whatever the hell wooden rod said.
whenever i drive its a wonderful magical fantastical expierence, especially when i’m awake while doing so! good ole wooden rod, i’m so glad he had time to share during his busy schedule to appear on the show. your sarcasm, phelous,is almost as magical as driving… yeah? yeah? yeah yeah yeah… keep it up!
The minute I saw JohnTron’s review of this I laughted so badly the minute thoose “birds” showed up on the screen.
It would be awesome if you & Lupa made a Birdemic 1 & 2 parody.
*One fresh brain transplant later*
Wow how did my previous brain die from just seeing clips of this motion picture that just needs to exist??
Insane laughter: Helping us get through insanity of any form since… since whenever.
Say, uh, Phelous…I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all of your “Birdemic”-related videos have disappeared. 🙁 You’ll need to put them back up again. 😉
Awe, they’ve been made private 🙁