In the mindblowing tenth episode I review Razor Sharpe, a martial arts vanity film with no budget, no continuity, and no hope.

In the mindblowing tenth episode I review Razor Sharpe, a martial arts vanity film with no budget, no continuity, and no hope.
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Yeah something tells me you’re going to get passed 100 episode mark :p
“And he…. almost… five thousand dollars!”
I don’t know why, but I’m cracking up at that line so much.
Oh shit, how could I have not said anything about Watson? The guy’s just awesome. “WHAT THE FFFFUCK HAPPENED HEEEERE” “GOOooOOoo!” “As for our friend The Karate Kid here… turn him into a human pinata.” I hope the actor was in more movies, he’s just so delightfully camp and hammy.
Boom Mic is the most prolific actor in Hollywood.
Man I loved this one. The film is so bad! First part of a saga that never happened.
Just giving you an unnecessary close-up!