Night of the Lepus

A movie which actually wants you to take bunny rabbits as a SERIOUS, deadly, enemy. Guess they aren’t so cute anymore!…Well actually they look exactly the same.


  • Fanglightwind
    Comments: 10

    wow this was a BAD movie but i do have say there are worse ones out there belave me ive seen them maby u should revie them some day frogs and day of the animals there so bad they were voted the worst horror filems ever made

  • kokojazz
    Old Man
    Comments: 2

    “Doctor. Rabbits as big and as ferocious as wolves?! Naturally, I’d like to believe they don’t exist. “………………………………………………………………………

    I agree! These R.O.U.S.’s? These….*Rabbits* Of Unusual Size, if you will? I don’t think they exist. LMAO! XD

    And, wouldn’t you just know it? Not one of these people remembered to pack their Holy Hand Grenade!


  • RoperFDF
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 20


  • BlueCurse60
    A Real Turtles Fighter
    Comments: 34

    Awe, I like bunnies. Stupid invasive species bunnies ruin it for everyone, and now they’re gigantic! That’s it this movie is double ruined.

  • Punkster
    Comments: 17


  • Steve3
    I'm THE BEST!
    Comments: 104

    I think this is the first “And then he diiiiiiiiied”, if I’m not mistaken